Each vendor on the TPMF Marketplace supports the TPMF projects in some way, and we could not provide charitable impact and community outreach without their support!
Physician WebPages creates mobile responsive websites for your practice to bring you more patients and increase your office efficiency.
To order, contact info@physicianwebpages.com or 281-218-6286

Eppointments & PodiatryNetwork
Eppointments offers online scheduling services and web design for your office.
PodiatryNetwork offers the Active Ankle Dorsal Night Splint at a special rate. In addition, they
donate $2 of each sale to the TPMF Active Ankle Dorsal Night Splint.
To order, contact sales@eppointmentsplus.com or 281-218-6286.
JM Orthotics/Forward Motion
JM Orthotics was founded by John & Mike (hence the JM) back in 2002. It is a small family business (they are brothers-in-law) that focuses on providing quality, unique products primarily for the podiatry profession.
For more information, contact sales@forwardmotionmedical.com or 800-301-5835.

Mile High Orthotics
Mile High Orthotics provides quality custom orthotics, shoewear, AFOs and braces. Mile High Orthotics is an annual sponsor of the TPMF.
For more information, contact greg@mholabs.com or 866-710-4880.

With innovative lab technologies and a team of highly experienced pathologists, Bako Diagnostics is the podiatric medical community’s premier pathology services partner. BakoDx specializes in laboratory diagnostics of nail, skin, wound, soft tissue and bone of the lower extremity. BakoDx is committed to supporting the education and advancement of the podiatric medical profession.
For more information, visit BakoDx.com or contact 855-422-5628.

Centers For Mobility
CFM provides prosthetics, custom and off the orthotics, durable medical equipment and a mastectomy boutique for the Houston area. It also acts as a fabricating lab for podiatrists. CFM is proud to be an annual sponsor of the TPMF. CFM will also be sponsoring DME classes this Fall or upon request with proceeds donated to TPMF.
For more information, contact 866-869-0472.

Empire Extremity
Mission sponsor/partner
For more information, contact andrewrugglesdjo@gmail.com.

Tissue Regenix/DermaPure
Mission sponsor/partner
For more information, contact l.ellis@tissueregenix.com.

Sagis DX
Mission sponsor/partner
For more information, contact jwilliams@sagisdx.com.