Thank you to all attendees and Case Award sponsors. And congratulations to the 2022 winners!
Meeting Director, Dr. Javier La Fontaine thanked all the attendees and sponsors for the spirited discussion and networking this year. Thank you to Dr. Maria Buitrago and Dr. Paul Brancheau for providing a TPMA and Young Member update. Thank you to Dr. Larry Harkless for the update on the Texas Podiatry School at UT Rio Grande Valley, Harlingen.
The Texas residency programs present cases and compete at this meeting. Fourteen residents presented cases this year. The 2022 winners are:
1st Place – “Congenital Vertical Talus Case”
Dr. Joe Galvan & Dr. Chris Smith, Hunt Regional PMSR (Dr.Steve Brancheau, Director)
2nd Place – “Subtalar Joint & Talonavicular Arthrodesis Case”
Dr. Colby Berger, HCA Kingwood PMSR (Dr. Jorge Matuk, Director)
3rd Place – “Growth Plate Injuries/Salter Harris First MT Physeal Fracture Case”
Dr. Chris Zimmer, Baylor Scott & White,Temple PMSR (Dr. David Sadoskas, Director)

Thank you to the Foundation, BakoDx, Mile High Orthotics and ACFAS Gulf States Region for their sponsorship of the 2022 awards. Also thank you to our other display sponsors: Tetra Corporation, Sagis DX, Crossroads Extremity and Tissue Regency.